Web3 Data Network for Massive Scale Data Science

Backed by Blockchain technology, We build SQL-enabled IPLD Native Data Network to move from the siloed model of the internet to the one that’s more transparent, where data is public, verifiable and under the control of its users. Meanwhile, Pando also supports composable aggregation computation to generate more golden data for Massive Scale Data Science.

Join the Web3 reputation projects using the Pando network


Best Features

The Pando takes the streams of data, aggregates them into CAR archives, backs them up to filecoin, and provides a lightweight query interface for consumers to read specific points of metadata with higher assurance of their global consistency and veracity.

Data Availability

Keep included Data consistently available.

Data Integrity

Trustworthy Data from Data Provider to Data Consumer.

Data Immutability

Discourage historical revisionism.

IPLD Compatible

Be Compatible with data model of the content-addressable web and hash-linked data structures.

Aggregation Computing

Data cube computation over Pando datasets.

SQL Enabled

Familiar SQL operators,data model is rich and expressive.

Huge Merkle Forest

Pando Legend

Pando is, in fact, the scientific name of the largest organism on Earth. Above ground, Pando appears to be a grove of individual trees, like any other grove. But underground everything is connected by a single and vast root system. It is one tree. A one-tree-forest.

IPLD is short for Inter Planetary Linked Data and is heart of IPFS. The files/data structures are linked to each other using Merkle links.

Pando is a SQL-enabled Web3 Off-Chain Data Network backed by IPLD data model.Interoperability of systems can also persist in a huge merkle forest, where each tree represents a separate merkle tree. In a forest, one tree can be bitcoin, one can be ethereum, one can be a regular SQL database.


The Timeline

About the features and timeline for upgrading the Pando Network.

Q3 2022

Storage layer
Integration SDK
Community engagement

Storage layer

Q4 2022

DID & Authentication Layer
Prolly Tree Indexing layer

Indexing layer

Q1 2023

SQL Query Layer

Query Layer

Q2 2023

Scalability & Sharding
Verifiable Query


Q3 2023

Incentive mechanism
Data DAO


Q4 2023

Computation Layer


Meet our Team

The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.


Taosheng Shi

Blockchain Researcher


Weili Yang

Blockchain Developer


Ben Xu

Database Developer


Nexa Zhang

Blokchain Developer


Patrick Woodhead

TPM @ Protocol Labs


David Dryjanski

Engineering Manager @ Protocol Labs


Juan Benet

Founder & CEO @ Protocol Labs


Will Scott

Research Engineer @ Protocol Labs


What Our Client Say's

To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.


Juan Benet

CEO & Founder @ Protocol Labs.

“I think this kind of model is super in line with we were thinking about it.Part of the reasons called Pando is because of it like a massive tree -It is like just using Pando aggregating a huge forest of, tons and tons and tons of data, around Filecoin and then over time. And let any service store data there and then take them from Pando with a few access patterns.”


David Dryjanski

Engineering Manager @ Protocol Labs.

“We are currently working towards the canonical RepSys (MVP) for the Filecoin Network, which is made up of the collection of all RSVs and other components that interact within it.There is a single sidechain datastore, Pando, which makes all the data available from RSVs, dealbots, and other producers of deal/SP reliability data, for RSVs or other services.”


Alan Ransil

Filecoin Green Lead.

“Pando, key to the next generation of the Filecoin Reputation system which will allow clients to choose - among other things - SPs with Green credentials.”


Patrick Woodhead

Filecoin Retrieval Market Lead.

“With Pando, I’m confident to plan a trip to build side chain metadata service for trustless reputation system, retrieval market, Log analysis and Computation layer.”

Build apps with Web3 data

Web3 Data Network for Massive Scale Data Science

SQL is a standard language for storing, manipulating and retrieving data in databases. IPLD is becoming standard across a lot of different things in the blockchain system. Pando can be the best network to quickly get access to IPLD databases using SQL for free.

app image app image

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about Pando. Find out how the easiest way to build Data Pipeline on the decentralized web uses Pando, or how it differs from other services.

Pando was originally designed for Reputation Datastore - a sidechain data store which serves as the reputation datastore for the RepSys:
- Producers can input their data onto Pando.
- Consumers can read data from Pando to inform dealmaking decisions on the Filecoin network.
- All data entries must be cryptographically signed via public keys to verify authenticity.

Pando is now generalized to Web3 Data Network, which aims to be the data availability layer of the blockchain.

The quickest way to get Pando up and running on your machine is by installing Pando with terminal commands. For installing and initializing Pando from the command line, check out the command-line quick start guide.
Awesome Pando is a good starting point to see the wide variety of projects that are using Pando today.

There are a lot of ways you can contribute to Pando, whether you're interested in helping with either of the core implementations, applications like reputation service, writing or editing documentation, doing UX, or whatever you enjoy working on. Get all the details on where to get started here.

Filecoin and IPFS are two separate, complementary protocols, both created by Protocol Labs. IPFS allows peers to store, request, and transfer verifiable data with each other, while Filecoin is designed to provide a system of persistent data storage. Under Filecoin's incentive structure, clients pay to store data at specific levels of redundancy and availability, and storage providers earn payments and rewards by continuously storing data and cryptographically proving it.

In short: IPFS addresses and moves content, while Filecoin is an incentive layer to persist data.

Some data like reputation metrics doesn’t make sense to directly embed within the filecoin chain for a few reasons: It is produced by independent entities, so the data itself does not need to meet the same ‘consensus’ bar as what we would expect in a global chain, and likewise aspects of reputation and measurements may have aspects of subjectivity. It is also expected that there is diversity of data and that experimentation is a good thing.

However, there are nice properties of having this sort of metadata ecosystem more tightly linked to the chain that seem desirable to encourage, and this leads to the goals for the Pando:
- Keep included metadata consistently available
- Provide light-weight, unbiased access to metadata
- Discourage historical revisionism.

In short: Pando make it easier for users to store and retrieve data in the Structured Query Language.


Recent News & Blogs

Find the latest Blogs news from Pando. See related science and technology articles, photos, slideshows and videos.


By Admin

Jan 25, 2025

Introducing the Pando Network



By Admin

Jan 25, 2025

How does Pando work?



By Admin

Jan 25, 2025

How to run a Pando node?.


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